For your consideration……..

We are asked today to pause and go out onto our front porch and sit and observe. Of course, we don’t all have a front porch, or if we do, we may not have a swing. But we get the message anyway. From our front porch we can see, smell and hear the environment…..the nest……where our home sits. We can see, smell and hear our support system.

It is important to know that we are supported in all that we do. We can realize it from our front porch. We can reaffirm it from our front porch. We can see the strength and sureness of the reality of our life. We can see the Universe God has but at our disposal. It is uniquely different from anyone else’s. It is magnificent. It is powerful and it is all there for you. Wow!

And that is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……..

-Meditate/pray….feel the magnificence of your world.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Draw or write about your blessings

What made me smile yesterday……..

-A relaxing morning to start off our road trip.

-Only one hour into our trip, the rain stopped and the sun shined the rest of the way.

-Cathy and I chatting away….

-Cheryl and Paul, so graciously welcomed us and put us up for the night. We got to see and eat dinner with the whole family. No minutes wasted minutes here.

-Life is Good.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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