For your consideration……..

The message exactly given is, “Let go of tears and fears, sorrow and bitterness. Touch the rising sun of Love that has joined and is encompassing Father Moon. It is perpetual.”

We are entering a new age. Actually we are entering a new dimension. We are being asked to wipe our slate clean of anything that is not of love. Be discriminating. Consider everything you are to be “priority space”. We have no room for anything that is not only for our highest good, but the highest good of all. How do we know what that is? We ask the simple question. Is it of Love? If it does not feel warm, safe and loving, it is not of love. It is of ego. Don’t accept it. Let it roll off and float away.

And for all that clutter we are already carrying, simply let it all go……purge. Forget examining it. Forget trying to work it all out. Forget the whys. Forget whether you are/were right or not. It does not matter. The time for all of that is past.

I know this is not how we normally do things. But we are at the end of a 26,000 year cycle. We are shifting. We have an opportunity to begin again.

Choose to seize this moment. Be still and say, “I release all that is not of Love back to the Universe for healing. It no longer serves me. Thank you. And so it is.” If you need to say it several times, say it several times. Maybe you want to write it down and carry it with you. Say it until you feel it.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……..

-Meditate/pray purging what no longer serves you and letting all your true self rise up.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Allow anything that does not feel loving and kind to come forward so you can release it. Be discriminating on what you accept into yourself.


What made me smile yesterday……

-A perfect morning.

-Lunch with Alex and Kathy….spur of the moment….the best kind.

-That last Christmas present bought.

-A late night movie with my girls.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris




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