For your consideration……

It doesn’t have to be pretty to bear witness to its beauty.

All around us, should we choose to notice, we see looks and actions of love. Today we are reminded, asked really, to notice them. We are asked to “bear witness” to them.

Perhaps it is the look on a child’s face when they see their parent. Perhaps it is on the look in your pet’s eyes when you return home and open that door. Perhaps it is in the wistful look in a grandparent’s eye. Perhaps it is in the knowing look between friends.

We see extraordinary love everyday in ordinary places. We are asked to notice and “bear witness” to it because when we do so we capture that energy and proliferate it. After all, it is love that we want the world to know and share. Isn’t it? Inherently where there is love there is HOPE.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…..

-Meditate. Tap into the love of self and the self that gives love.

-Drink lots of water.

-Take at least 10 deep breaths outdoors.

-Journal or at least make note of the love you see today.


What made me smile yesterday……

-Seeing my Babycakes and getting her to her meetup with the girls on time.

-Bruce, not expecting to see Alex, wakes up out of a dead sleep and jumps out of bed when he hears her voice in the kitchen. It just goes to show we always have an ear listening for our child even if she lives thousands of miles away.

-The look of calm and love that came over Bill’s face when his bride, Daina, came into view.

-A perfect wedding; beautiful weather, gorgeous location, lots of friends, yummy food, good music, lots of sharing.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris



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