For your consideration……

Why are we here? What are we supposed to be doing? What is our life purpose? How do I get there? Do you ask yourself these questions and others?

Today we are reminded to “embolden” ourselves. We need to pick up our courage and move on down the road. If we lay down our courage, we end up walking in place. We need to keep our courage awake and active to embolden ourselves to new opportunities….to try new things… new people…..learn more. We need our courage to grow and move forward down our road.

How do we reactivate our courage? Start with small things. Take a new road to work. Get coffee at a different coffee shop. Read different authors. Take a class. Do a new exercise routine. Make that phone call you have been putting off. Travel to a different place. You get the picture. Just shake things up a bit and keep your eyes, ears, mind and spirit open. It does not need to be dramatic just intentional. That is the HOPE.

“We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Franklin D. Roosevelt.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate. Focus on the courage of your spirit.

-Drink lots of water.

-Take at least 10 deep breaths outdoors. With the wind we are having it will be like taking 20.

-Make a commitment to try or do something new. Journal about it in the evening.


What made me smile yesterday…..

-Great math classes.

-Apparently this is just a cold and I am not getting the flu. Yeah.

-Our dog, Dude. He is so funny. He does not like this wind. It just spooks him out. He goes out, does his business and then is back at the door….”Mom, Mom, let me in.” When I do, he is so grateful.

-My girls work long hours……without complaint. I am proud of their work ethic.

-My patient friends, Dianne and Gary.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,



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