For your consideration…..

I know why I got today’s message today. I completely lost it yesterday. So, lovingly and gently, I have been reminded to suspend judgment, listen and if what I hear is not for me, if it does not sit right in my authentic self, don’t let it in.

If the news is upsetting or makes us angry or agitated, we are often reminded to just turn it off. Yesterday, I felt like I was on news overload so I did not turn the TV on until I felt the news cycle was over. When I did turn the TV on, the President was on all the channels. I should have turned it off but felt that he was probably trying to pull us together after our tragic Orlando loss. However, here was very little of that. Instead there was an angry man lecturing us. The right thing for me to do was turn the TV back off and go about the many tasks I have that need to be done. The right thing to do when my heart was screaming stop, would have been to suspend judgment and not let his lecture in. But that is not what I did. Instead, I went on my personal Facebook page and did a rant. I let the teacher in me take over and demand to correct the incorrect. Clearly that was from my ego and not from my authentic self.

I use my example for a couple of reasons today. The first is to remind myself and others that I am a work in progress. The second is to remind myself and all of you of “for your consideration.

It’s been awhile since I have written about this but I started this blog with deep resistance. I was given a message by Archangel Metatron to start it, what to name it and to do it daily. I had every excuse you can think of on why I could not do it. But he would not take no for an answer. That exchange was a pivotal moment in my life. I listened, relented and am very happy I did.

I bring this up today because one of my arguments with him was that I did not want to lecture people. I wanted to make a difference but I did not want to tell people what to do. Personally, I resent it for myself and don’t want to make the same mistake towards others. HIS response was quick and decisive. He said, “So start the blog with For your consideration.”

The messages we get every day are not going to speak to every heart every day. I have to trust that they get to the people they are meant for. I write the message as best as I can and then the rest is out of my control. It is up to our Guidance to do the rest.

Whether it is HOPEs Rising, the news, your Pastor, Rabbi, Iman, teacher, Priest, boss, friend, parent etc., I trust and pray that YOU decide what speaks to your soul….your authentic self….and what to let in and what to disregard. Never give up your power to do that.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take….

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Remember it’s all “For your consideration.” You have the power to decide what fits with your soul.

What made me smile yesterday…..

-A day off.

-Beautiful weather.

-A funny text from Jackie (regarding the rant.)

-Lunch with Pam and Nancy.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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