For your consideration……

I am hearing there is some angst or worry going on about life purpose, actually life in general. Many have some heavy thinking going on. So today we are given a message to lighten things up a bit. We are told to think of life as vegetable soup.

There are no two bowls alike even if they came out of the same pot. No two chefs make vegetable soup the same way nor does the same chef make his own the same way twice.

Sometimes the soup needs some extra spice to give it a kick. Sometimes it is in need the substance of extra protein. Sometimes it is as fresh as the fresh vegetables in it. Sometimes it is made with love and care of vegetables we have canned. Often it is better when it has settled for a day or two and the flavors have more thoroughly blended.

The thing about vegetable soup is that it doesn’t need a lot of planning unless we want to put a lot of planning into it.. Whatever we have handy is just right for the pot. It can stand on its own or it can be a great companion to a sandwich or many coarse meal. It is a good comfort food when eaten alone or with as many people who show up.

Our message today is treat life and life purpose like vegetable soup. There is absolutely no reason to stress. Be comforted that it is all good and it will all turn out exactly as it is supposed to.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……..

-Meditate/pray….spend alone time with you. Commit to you.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Relax…..go with the flow. Expect the unexpected and expect it is all good.

What made me smile yesterday…….

-It was beautiful, sunny and a perfect day to sit on the deck at Stillwater and read. My intent had been to return home early but just had to take advantage of the beautiful day.

-Bad Brad’s BBQ…..just to make Sunday easy.

-Happy Alex.

-Chatting with Cathy.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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