For your consideration….

Our message today comes in via a song by Bruce Springsteen, “Further On ( Up the Road). I am hearing that this message is meant to “attach itself” to previous messages we have been having. Recently we were asked to be specific on what we want, wish upon a star, put dreams in our dream box etc. Today’s message reminds us that all that comes to us is in Divine Timing. In the meantime, we go through all kinds of stuff. Sometime we understand it. Sometimes we don’t. We need to just forge on treating each experience as a gift we need whether we know it or not. Here’s the song;

Further On (Up the Road)
Where the road is dark, and the seed is sowed
Where the gun is cocked, and the bullet’s cold
Where the miles are marked in blood and gold
I’ll meet you further on up the road
Got my dead man’s suit, and my smilin’ skull ring
My lucky graveyard boots, and a song to sing
I got a song to sing, to keep me out of the cold
And I’ll meet you further on up the road
Further on up the road
Further on up the road
Where the way is dark and the night is cold
One sunny mornin’ we’ll rise I know
And I’ll meet you further on up the road
Now I been out in the desert, just doin’ my time
Searchin’ through the dust, lookin’ for a sign
If there’s a light up ahead, well brother I don’t know
But I got this fever burnin’ in my soul
So let’s take the good times as they go
And I’ll meet you further on up the road
Further on up the road
Further on up the road
Further on up the road
Further on up the road
One sunny mornin’ we’ll rise I know
And I’ll meet you further on up the road
One sunny mornin’ we’ll rise I know
And I’ll meet you further on up the road

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…

-Affirm…“I am loved.”

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Accept that step and trust is is exactly perfect.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

What made me smile yesterday…

-My grass really liked the rain it got the night before.

-Dental appointment done.

-Catching up with Lori and then Alex and Mackenzie.

-A cooking class of summer salads.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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