For your consideration……

Anything that does not come from love and joy is from fear. That is our message today.

What are those feelings based in fear? They are anxiousness, angry, sadness, jealousy, self-rightousness, feeling stuck, worried, minimized or small, unworthy, incapable, impatient, inadequate, etc. You recognize them.

All of those emotions and emotions like them are based in fear. I like the following illustration because not only does it depict what our message is but goes to the heart of it all. It reminds us of what we have been told before. Where our thoughts and feelings go our energy flows. We become a self-fulling prophesy.

We are asked today to notice when we are experiencing negative emotions. They are standing in our way. What triggered them? Identify the fear. Remember the question, “What’s the worse that can happen?” I don’t think our Guidance is asking us to make a practice of looking further into the negative to make us feel better about where we are right now. Rather the question is a reminder that we will be alright. Experience has already taught us that. If we don’t have everything we need, it will be provided. There is a solution already in the works for every concern or problem we have. We just have get back into the light to see it.

We can turn fear around by replacing it with laughter, joy, love, HOPE and belief. How? Remembering what brings us love and joy. Writing affirmations and carrying them with us. Asking our Guidance to step in and point us where we need to be…..then trusting it is done. This is not something that is necessarily easy or something we learn to do in a day but we can begin today. We were born in love and joy. We learned the pattern of fear and we can unlearn it as well.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate/pray….ask…..”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Identify the fear and return to love and joy.

What made me smile yesterday…….

-A hummingbird visit as I was coming out of meditation. I’m told that it is the totem for my granddaughter, Mackenzie.

-Hearing from our Alex and her day.

-A trip to the Art Fair in town. I found some great things….perfect things.

–Finished a good mystery.

-More writing done.

-Our dog, Dude, did remarkably well during the fireworks last night.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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