For your consideration…….

Today’s message came through with very vivid prompts from personal experiences. We are often told and I write and share…..”It is all good.” or that when “One door closes another opens.” or “We have to let go of what no longer serves us so we can receive what does.” Sometimes as I write them I can hear the “Oh sure.” or “Humph”. That is because we all face tough times in our life and we want to believe that we could have done without them. We wish we didn’t have them. So I am led to share with you these personal experiences…..the fate and circumstances….and the gifts I received from them.

I often say to friends, “My childhood ended when I was 7.” That is when my mother met and quickly married my stepfather. Perhaps as I look back, it is the first time I vividly remember having any psychic awareness. When my mother opened the door and I laid eyes on future stepfather, I saw and felt evil. I was deathly afraid immediately. Of course, this was so out of character and because there was no “apparent” cause, I was dismissed as being jealous and wayward. So from the age of 7 until I was sixteen, if I was ever in the house with him and my mother was not present, I stayed in my room with the door locked and a chair under the knob. Sound horrific? So it seemed but I have a sister and brother from that marriage that I would gladly give my life for. I love them totally and completely and would not change one circumstance if it meant I would not have them in my life.

When I was sixteen, it all came crashing down. I think my mother really couldn’t take the tension anymore. Long story short, after a huge fight, I went to live with my father. I gave up all of my childhood friends and everything I knew. But from that I immediately met my lifelong friend, Carol. I experienced a freedom I never knew existed and would never give up again.

That freedom led too some wild days where I fell in love with a guy whose was too wounded himself to be good for me. Of course, I could not see that. But because of circumstances surrounding that relationships, I met Jody and then Dianne who have stayed with me and supported me no matter where I lived or how far I traveled. The friendship is always as though there are no miles.

When I was eighteen, I instinctively knew I had to get my act together. I moved to Hawaii where I met and married my first husband Bernie. It is easy to say he wasn’t the right guy for me, that it was a mistake. But wait, I have an amazing daughter from that marriage and now terrific grandchildren. I also have his family who have remained mine forever more. Where would I ever be? How could I ever have survived without his sister Catherine….my sister….my friend? I am so proud of who we are and what we have accomplished despite often really bad circumstances.

My job and a boyfriend created the perfect circumstance for me to meet my lifelong friend Jackie. The job wasn’t always great and after 12 years neither was the boyfriend but Jackie has stayed with me, shared with me and been my forever friend. She comes with a bonus…..a huge amazing family. I could not imagine a day without knowing I could pick up that phone and talk to someone who gets me.

I could go on and on. I am blessed with amazing family and friends. However, the point of sharing what I have is that in the worst circumstances of life fate blesses us with gifts that we can not even to begin to imagine not having in our life. It is all good.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate/pray….you are blessed…feel it.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-You have received many gifts. Examine the circumstance.

What made me smile yesterday…….

-I woke to the sounds of birds and fog horns from the freighters making their way down the river.

-Goodwill’s half off Saturday. I got 3 books and a DVD for $1.46. It is a perfect scenario here at Stillwater. It is small so I don’t keep anything unnecessary around. I buy the books and DVD’s then simply re-donate them as soon as we are done with them.

-A perfect relaxing day. Just what a weekend should be.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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