The Law of Giving By Belinda Paton

For your consideration…….

As I have mentioned before, I do not always know who is giving us the message. However, today we know. It comes from Archangel Gabriel and she also wants us to know she gave us yesterday’s message as well.

My first thought about this message was that it would have been great during the holiday season. However, I am  a firm believer in Divine Timing, I realize that this message is much bigger than just referring to “physical” gifts.

That was confirmed with the picture above. I normally spend as much time finding a picture that is right for the message, if not more, as I do writing the message. Not so today. I found this picture in seconds and it has almost everything that was contained in the message. It is just perfect.

The first part of the message today talked about how as humans when we give we like to feel appreciated. We like to “know” that the intention of the gift “hit its mark”, so to speak. Sometimes it is because we don’t want to feel like we wasted out time. But more often it is because we gave from our heart with the best of intentions and we want the receiver to receive it the same way.

Again, we are just being human. But we have entered a new dimension. We are learning to live life differently. We have been asked to live from the inside out letting our authentic self lead the way. Today we are reminded that giving with love and joy from the heart, soul and mind is enough. This is not just about physical gifts. It is about the even more important gifts of self; time, talent, wisdom, love, HOPE, joy, truth, consideration, patience, comfort, passion, listening, words etc. etc. etc.

We don’t have to be concerned with how our gift is received because the energy that carried the gift exists. It will be received by someone who needs it. Maybe it will be for whom we intended. Maybe it won’t. Maybe it will scoot right by them or go over their head and land with someone else. Or maybe both will receive it. Maybe it lands on its target but is not “received” until a later time. We can’t fully know. But that does not matter.

In the picture above, the hands can be giving or receiving. Notice the infinity symbol and the love heart feeding the energy. Notice the rings in the water spreading out like the “pebble in the pond” carrying that infinite love. We don’t know to where it goes. We don’t know who receives it. Again, it does not matter.

What matters it that we put our love and best intentions behind all we do. The Universe will take care of the rest.

The final part of the message was about the Law of Abundance…..which basically says the more you give the more you receive. Just a littler reminder to nudge us along.

What we do in love, we get in love multiplied and magnified.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate/pray finding your center.

-Act with love, joy and HOPEfull intentions in all you do.

-Drink lots of water.

-Take in at least 10 deep breaths outdoors. Remember they do not have to be all at once.


What made me smile yesterday…….

-No alarm clock this week at Stillwater.

-Ahhhh my niece’s Human Design chart is done. Wow, she is a dynamo. It is amazing what you learn when you do someone’s chart….the questions it answers.

-OK, so now the road trip is changed. That’s ok. I love surprises. And I love catching up with Cathy

-Great pictures on Facebook of Alex and friends in WY and my Peanut and AJ with friends skating.

-Talking with my Aunt Bev for the first time in a long time. Note to self….do it more often.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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