For your consideration……..

Bare with me on this message. While it was very clearly delivered, I am not quite sure how to put it into words. I will do my best.

It seems like we have been given many messages on living in gratitude. And certainly some of the messages lately have been centered around letting your authentic self step forward and lead you….making the ego take a back seat.

Yesterday the message was about living through a state of love. If it is not of truth and love, it is not real. It has no place in our life in this new dimension….new world.

Today is a message about authentic communication. Specifically it is about listening……authentic listening. It is necessary for living authentically.

How do we do authentic listening? We listen with all of our senses. We listen for the synchronization of the feelings and words. We listen for the “completeness” of the communication. Often what is “not” said speaks louder than what is. If we think about it, we can all remember times when we have felt like this. We can all remember conversations where we just knew something was off. We can all remember a time when we felt we were not hearing the whole story.

In authentic listening we listen without judgement. We don’t listen with half of our mind and soul, while the other half is forming a response. Our entire focus in on the speaker. Our authentic soul filters are fully alert.

Why is this so important? Of course, the obvious reason is that in this new dimension… world….nothing but the truth and love is acceptable. But also it is because as we get better and better at authentic communication, we will all begin to communicate in a spiritual non-verbal way. We are moving towards true awareness and understanding of ourselves, each other, the Universe and our Oneness.

We are being asked to listen through our authentic self, our soul. Listen fully with all of our senses. Pause ever so slightly to feel the completeness of what you are hearing. Respond fully from your own authentic self.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…….

-Meditate/pray…..have conversations with your authentic self.

-Drink lots of water.

-Take at least 10 deep breaths while outdoors in Mother Earth’s splendor.

-Practice “authentic listening”. No judgement….it takes practice. Being aware is the first step.


What made me smile yesterday…….

-My Sis and Brother got their surprise.

-A beautiful message from Paula. I will be responding, Paula.

-Successful shopping….as in no lines.

-A very late night….actually early morning… with Alex and Alison.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris






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