For your consideration…..

Over the last couple of weeks it seems like either with friends or clients the “bubbling up” analogy keeps coming up. I did not realize until this morning that it was also meant for HOPEs Rising.

The analogy is this. Throughout our life our true authentic feelings eventually bubble to the surface. In the best scenario they are good and joyful representing our perfection.

But sometimes they are feelings that have been buried. These are the untruths that we let into our core authentic self. They have been lying in there irritating us and preventing us from completely seeing who we really are. It is important for us to realize that while we have let them remain buried, it is good when they bubble to the surface. Because when we look at them and really see them now, we see that they are not at all representative of our perfection. While they may have had a purpose at one time….or not, they no longer serve us and we can let them go. We can release them back to the Universe for healing.

In another scenario, perhaps we are holding pain we buried because we could not deal with it in real-time. But again if it is bubbling up, it is because you are strong enough now to deal with it. Great pain is representative of great love lost. Perhaps we can now see past that pain to the Blessings that were bestowed upon us. Perhaps now we can see that love is indestructible and endures forever throughout all of time throughout all of the Universe. It is never lost.

There is a reason for the message today. We are societies that want quick fixes. We want instant gratification. When these feelings bubble up, we can be tempted to go for the quick fix. Rather than see the “bubbling up” as a good thing we may feel as though something is wrong with us. It is how people get hooked on drugs and alcohol.This includes prescription drugs.

When life bubbles up, it is a blessing. Is it a quick fix? No. Often we look at one bubble and release it only to have another replace it. That is the process. As we are ready and more than able to cope, these bubbles start floating to the surface. And one by one we pop them and release them. Until finally all that has been inside irritating us has risen up and we are left with our perfect authentic self ready and able to be of service to the Universe.

Another analogy is it is like “peeling an onion”, one layer at a time until we get to the core.

When life bubbles up, it is all good. We are healing and cleansing. Be joyous. See your Blessings.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate/pray. The acceptance of silence in our life is a clear signal we are ready to hear where we need to go, what we need to do and who we need to be.

-Drink lots of water. Water cleanses our body and mind.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths. Why outdoors? We need to feel our connection to Mother Earth as well as Heaven.

-Journal what “bubbles up”.

-Remember what you are grateful for.

-Laugh out loud. It is Friday. Go have some fun.


What made me smile yesterday……

-Yesterday’s meditation and journaling was amazing for me.

– I had a relaxing slow paced morning. It just unfolded.

-Fun students and teachers in the afternoon.

-Dinner with the fabulous Camille. Where on earth is 3.5 hours go?

-Another message for Jackie.

-How about them Tigers? Wahoo.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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