For your consideration…….

First, I apologize. I did yesterday’s post bright and early. I just must not have hit the publish button. Yikes. I wonder what that is about? When Mercury is in retrograde, as it is now, communication can suffer. Let’s HOPE it doesn’t mess us up too much.

Also, I find it ironic that today’s message is about communication. I had to laugh at the way it came through. I was reminded of a few weeks ago when I gave my grandson a phone we were not using. Before I left, my son-in-law asked him, “AJ, what do you say to your Mimi?” (He had already thanked me before his dad got home.) Still he gave the expected response, “Thank you, Mimi”. “AJ, get over there and give your Mimi a hug and tell her thank you.” Over he comes with a hug and another thank you. But his dad sees it all as perfunctory and says, “AJ, look at Mimi when you are thanking her.” So back over he comes and makes his eyes as big as they can be to look at me. All I could do was laugh because clearly he was doing as he was told but he did not get that these actions were supposed to be simultaneous. Without even thinking about it, I had gotten that response earlier when I first gave him the phone. His dad didn’t see that.

As adults we to sometimes give expected responses without looking at the person we are dealing with. We all do it. But it is not OK. Whenever we are speaking to someone, we should give them our full attention. We need to be full in the moment with the person we are speaking to. Let’s think about some examples;

*A waiter or waitress. We need to look at them as we thank them.

*What about when someone holds the door for you? We need to look at them and thank them.

*When we say hi to someone we need to look at them. Or if they say hi to us we need to look at them when we respond.

You get the picture of those little scenarios where we are on autopilot.

But we are even asked to go a step further. When we look at someone we are reminded to “see” them. Again, we need to fully share the moment with them. And it is just that, a moment. But when we are fully present in it, it really counts. We matter and they matter. The connection matters. That is the HOPE.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…….

-Meditate. Keep that channel to your Guidance open. You can’t go wrong knowing your authentic self.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths. If you can spend more time outdoors, even better.

-Count your Blessings. It is harder to grumble when you can see the Blessings you have.

-Do a random act of kindness.


What made me smile yesterday……

-A beautiful, picture perfect day. Warm temps and sun.

-An old friend was an aid in a couple of my classes.

-A great fundraiser for Ian.

-Alex is having great dreams and remembering them which reminds me that I need to make a better effort to remember mine.


P.S. Happy Birthday, Dad.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,





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